The last time I had nice skin was probably when I was pregnant. My skin wasn't that bad shortly afterwards, but definitely after I started working out daily and increased stress has taken a toll on my skin. From little white heads to deep painful mountains, they never seemed to stop coming. I've tried so many different skin care products from expensive products to drugstore products. Each time I tried something new things seemed promising, but after 2 weeks I usually get back into my funk :(
My usual skin care regimen is: mild cleanser in the morning after my shower then moisturize and at night I'd use a makeup remover wipe, then use a mild exfoliating cleanser and the Olay advanced cleansing brush system followed by a moisturizer.
For the past few weeks I had decided to make a few changes. Since I've tried so many different types of Skin care products, I wasn't sure that if the problem was that I just haven't found the right products since I've tried so many. So here are a few changes I've made in hopes to improve my skin:
Clean makeup brushes more often (especially any foundation or powder brushes):
It's recommended to wash your makeup brushes once a week, but seriously...who does that? I'm lucky if I wash my brushes once a month! I did notice that when I started changing my facial towel everyday rather than just when it started to smell funky I had a lot less breakouts (I know that's nasty! I mean I probably used the same facial towel for 3 days in a row at the most) so if I had a clean makeup brush, I should see an improvement in my skin right?
Initially I cleaned my foundation brush everyday, however, washing it everyday could lessen the life of the brush. Per my friend's advice I started using a makeup remover wipe on the brush to remove some of the makeup and then wash weekly, but it seemed costly to use a wipe to clean a brush everyday, so I decided to just suck it up and wash weekly, however I got spoiled with the softness of a nice clean brush everyday. So I went to Sephora and got their daily anti-bacterial cleanser.
Sephora Daily Brush Cleaner 2oz. $6USD, 6.75oz for $14USD |
Deep cleansing your brush weekly is still recommended, but this gives your brush a nice clean feeling between weekly washes. I followed the directions the first day (spray 3-4 times and wipe brush with lint free cloth) but foundation on the cloth was nasty, instead I recommend using a paper towel.
Clean your pillow covers weekly:
Awhile ago, I noticed I always had deep pimples on one side of my cheeks. I came to the conclusion that the side I always had pimples on was the side of my face that I slept on. Our heads are on our pillows for approximately 8hrs a night, it's full of oils from our head, bacteria and dead skin cells so it's good to keep them clean. I started cleaning my pillow covers once a week (allure magazine recommends twice a week if possible).
Here's a good article about skin-care, most of it is stuff we already know, but we often need a reminder of what to do to keep skin clear and healthy.
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